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Kagro in the Morning

Aug 12, 2014

A bit of a mix for you today. Robin Williams. Ferguson. A Chris McDaniels song parody by Lauren Mayer. Marketing follies & how to get rich people to give you money. The federal judge who wouldn't recuse himself from former AL Gov. Don Siegelman's trial is arrested. Gideon reminds us of last month's "how to motivate reluctant voters" story. Parleo offers us the international scoop on a brand new party winning seats in Spain and the European Parliament. Ann Coulter, terrible on everything, is terrible on ebola, which leads us to "5 Insane Things I Learned as a Foreign Aid Worker," which leads us to note that anti-terror "corruption" in foreign aid isn't just a foreign problem, which leads us to today's discussion about militarized cops, which begins with this Chris Hayes tweet. Back to Tucker Carlson: no, his bathtub drownings claim probably isn't correct, and since enemy of the people said I let him off too easy, we go way, way back to let Hunter tell us why Carlson's so vile.