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Kagro in the Morning

Aug 23, 2019

Take some time out from watching the world burn and check out David Waldman and Friday’s KITM :

Schools are being designed like first person shooter games, and lots of people think they’re first person shooter-heros. But, they aren’t. Real life is hard.

Donald Trump lies about what time of day it is—just for the practice.

The Proud Boys spend their time wasting ours.

When Nancy Pelosi returns to power in 2034, job #1 will be to strengthen Congressional oversight, but right now there’s just so much to do, and so little time to do it. The Freeloader in Chief daughter, and the Freeloader in Chief in-law, mooched some swag Air Force rides.

Thoughts and prayers go out today to Charles Koch. May his separation from his brother, wherever David Koch might be biding his time, be brief.

The second half of the show is devoted to epic scrutation of The Epoch Times, and its connection to Chinese cults, Evangelicals, the Tang Dynasty, Qanon, FaceBook, Jenny McCarthy… OK, that’s about 6 degrees from everyone isn’t it?