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Kagro in the Morning

Dec 5, 2017

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David Waldman will someday pay for that Hawaiian Punch joke he made in 4th grade, but for now will be allowed to bring us Tuesday’s KITM:

After 8 years, Sam Seder is ostracized by MSNBC for saying Roman Polanski and his daughter… what now? ( Jonathan Swift rolls over and over.)  Concern trolls go hunting for Libs, but how sporting is that, when we are so happy to help them? Joy Reid takes a few shots and remains standing. On the other hand, Corey Lewandowski has the hide of a rhino.

Trump and the Gop are getting a bit of a Lolita-esque tingle around Roy Moore. At least Moore isn’t running for a Klan position.

Trump likes to play the field when it comes to foreign entity romance, but Russia is still #1in his heart, and bank account. Paul Manafort, who wasn’t even in trouble for Russia, just had to get in trouble for Russia. Ollie North wants to run Trump’s Uber for spies to battle the Deep State, laws, Constitution, etc.

The Senate was in such a big hurry to slash tax rates they forgot to put in loopholes, completely lousing up the scam.

American missile defense scores a direct PR hit, but kind of misses missiles.