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Kagro in the Morning

Mar 22, 2019

David Waldman never said the live simultaneous engineering, producing and hosting of KITM was easy, and he never will after maneuvering through today’s production hassles. One thing he has always said though, is that KITM welcomes pre-recorded submissions, and so this morning David brought out two guests to broaden our discussions and understanding of events going into the weekend:

First up, The most REASONABLE man in America, Darwin H. M., aka @Darwin_Darko, to alert us that a US Navy warship has been quarantined at sea for over 2 months because of a rare virus outbreak similar to the mumps.

Also, Serena Blaiz, aka @peacearena, wonders if Oklahoma’s “Opportunity Zones”,  which were intended for the poor, benefit mostly the rich?

Once again, Donald Trump is just such an incredible dick. And, he also lies all of the time. Trump will lie between each of his lies before you can even catch a breath. Bob Kerrey demands, “Let’s see those X-rays!

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump often tell the truth, just not to you, and they will erase it so you will never find out. Looks as if Cindy Yang invited several Chinese businessmen down to Massage-a-Lago to try out the “beautiful piece of chocolate cake”… which they call “the #4” down in the spa area. 

At Boeing, safety is extra.

Unlike New Zealand, the US isn’t coming for anyone’s guns, so teachers will need to learn how to take a bullet instead.