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Kagro in the Morning

May 1, 2015

Capitol GunFAIL! Greg Dworkin rounds up Bridgegate, Sanders, Republican demands for work requirements for Medicaid expansion, Rick Scott's continuing contortions, and Jeb's Charles Murray fandom. The invasion of Texas is underway, where conservatives prepare their gay marriage freak-out. A near "perfect storm" of GunFAIL as a school cop shoots himself with a derringer in his pocket while at Walmart. Armando calls in on the Vermont GMO labeling law decision & the TPP, and John Dickerson's thoughts on Bernie Sanders. Wrapping up on yesterday's topics: how ShotSpotter monitors for gunfire, and what kind of issues that raises; Samsung's TV that listens to you; the surveillance we "volunteer" for, and; how Motel 6 reportedly started faxing all its guests' names to the cops!