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Kagro in the Morning

May 3, 2013

Greg Dworkin shared the latest from Public Policy Polling, showing boosts for Senators facing reelection who voted for the recent background check legislation, and polling hits for those voting against it. Surprise! Plus, Media Matters reporting on new NRA President, who turns out to be a nutter. Surprise! And if you heard Chris Hayes call "gun culture" into question last night, recall that you heard it first from Greg! Also: we watch a conservative commentator say the Age of Enlightenment led to the Holocaust, and therefore reason sucks. (Bipartisan compromise with this, please! Even though compromise is rooted in reason. Which is Teh Hitler.) A great James Wolcott piece neatly rolling up gun issues. A NYT article on a marked increase in suicides, and possible ties to economic conditions and outlook. That segues to Felix Salmon's "The systemic plight of labor," followed by a quick second look at the Pennsylvania privatized prison nightmare, and how it relates to everything else in the show today. Which is to say: ALEC.