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Kagro in the Morning

May 3, 2019

Relax! It’s the weekend! Don’t get too comfy in that hammock, David Waldman has various alarms he’d like to raise before anyone dozes off. 

Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham assures us that William Barr will sleep well once Lindsey has a little talk with Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. Right now Donald Trump is “down on FISA", Graham knows that soon Trump will be “up on FISA” therefore he needs the law on whatever end Trump’s heading toward. Whether up is down or down is up for Trump, William Barr is all for it, and as luck would have it, Donald’s morality is passing right through Glenn Greenwald’s and Tucker Carlson’s sweet spot, and just out of Eric Holder’s. Donald Trump finally has his Roy Cohn, and Nancy Pelosi finally has someone to impeach.

Of course there are plenty of reasons to also impeach Donald Trump… and plenty of ways Trump will try to run out the clock on the investigations. A few federal marshals could speed the process up, a few thousand troops could slow it down.