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Kagro in the Morning

Nov 5, 2018

What would you like to talk about today? As usual, that’s exactly what today’s KITM is all about. David Waldman delivers today’s news and analysis with a side of sizzling hot takes:

Brian Kemp is about as stupid as you could imagine. Just as bad news is “fake news” and investigations are “witch-hunts”, Kemp sees oversight as “hacking”false reports to the FBI as “wise” and democracy as “bad”.

Greg Dworkin says Forget the polls, forget the hype, do the work. Oh, and he brought some polls too, which can tell you many interesting things, except maybe who will win. Yes, lots and lots of people are voting, yay! Yes, Democrats are ahead. But. What will we do if that isn’t good enough? What happens if Trump wins his bet on demagoguery? Perish the thought.

Over the last few years journalists have learned to get played a little bit less, but not hardly enough. The good news with that is Trump took care of having the focus put on him, leaving Dems room to talk about issues.

Armando calls in with his takes and analysis of who he thinks might win tomorrow, and who deserves to win. Republicans’ race war predated Trump.

Want to take your mind off the midterm elections? U.S. law enforcement somehow failed to see the threat of white nationalism. Now they don’t know how to stop it.

For those just discovering Lincoln was Republican, some more history.

On Wednesday we can all get back to the Trump-Russia-Saudi-etc. collusion.

The legacy of well-fought campaigns: battle-hardened grassroots armies.