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Kagro in the Morning

Oct 28, 2014

Ebola is surely in its "last throes" at this point, no? Strict constructionist restaurant turns Alito away. Michele Bachmann looks forward to the grifting life. Greg Dworkin reviews the quarantine policy stories, and reminds us not to forget our history. Meanwhile, Chris Christie spins furiously, insisting he didn't reverse himself, word that troops returning from Africa will be quarantined, and students in Maine find an Ebola excuse for skipping class. PoliSci profs botch "experiment" with MT elections. A local blogger speculates on the motive. (P.S., here's an actual official MT voter info pamphlet.) "Sneak & peek" warrants, sold to Congress as necessary for fighting terrorism, are now routine. But hardly ever used for terrorism. The CIA kept ex-Nazis on the payroll as Cold War spies. The amazing Amazon engine burns anything and everything for fuel.