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Kagro in the Morning

Jun 28, 2013

An "encore performance" for the one year anniversary of our four hour marathon live coverage of the announcement of the Supreme Court's decision in the Affordable Care Act case! Lots of Daily Kos friends chiming in on this, including Greg Dworkin, Armando, Joan McCarter, brooklynbadboy, winkk, Militarytracy, MKS and more!

Jun 27, 2013

Heading into a week-plus break, Greg Dworkin and Armando help round up our discussion of the NSA/Snowden story, the IRS story, the SCOTUS decisions, the Texas filibuster fight, and the revival of CNN's much-maligned Crossfire, and more. The other big topic of today's show: the apparent evolution of Edward Snowden's...

Jun 26, 2013

Easy summary today: the Texas filibuster & the SCOTUS DOMA case. Both Greg Dworkin & Armando make appearances to discuss the latest exciting news, and we parse it thin for your enjoyment! I think it's safe to say you're not going to get in-depth discussion of the dynamics of that filibuster like you get from Daily Kos...

Jun 25, 2013

We started with The Derp from Louie Gohmert, then were joined by Greg Dworkin for an update on The Derp of Politico's Green Lanternism, Obama's (then) upcoming climate speech, the immigration bill, etc. We were also able to sneak in an update on the IRS story, noting that pretty much everything we heard about...

Jun 24, 2013

So, you're back from Netroots Nation, eh? Well, lucky you! Greg Dworkin joined right in with the recap of the weekend's developments on the many wormholes winding through the NSA/Snowden story, including David Gregory's insistence on crapping all over everything. Then, a roundup of the more remarkable #GunFAIL...