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Kagro in the Morning

Dec 30, 2013

Morning wingnut outrage: Someone said "spooning" on CNN, and that's Teh Sex! Morning meta-debate: does criticism of the NYT's Benghazi story require on-the-ground reporting? Greg Dworkin focuses the morning madness with a round of ACA stories. Charles Gaba (aka Brainwrap) gets front page WaPo notice for his signup...

Dec 27, 2013

We're (briefly) back from the holiday break, having been captivated by the post-Christmas tweeting of photos of people displaying the new guns they got as gifts. Particularly those shown with their fingers on the trigger! Greg Dworkin wraps up his picks from the week's news, including Brainwrap's data on ACA sign-ups...

Dec 23, 2013

Not everything in the world has been said about Duck Dynasty yet, apparently. So we talk about how we don't understand why we're still talking about it. Greg Dworkin notes the arrival of Festivus, and airs his grievances against the media. In particular, this from WaPo's The Fix column: "Joe Manchin's Obamacare fears...

Dec 20, 2013

Well, I guess we're at the stage where we have to endure Duck Dynasty "think pieces." It's also time for duelling essays by Washington journalists about why Washington journalism does or doesn't suck. Next, a reading (with accompanying patented KITM-style tangent discussions) of Gawker's "The Second Class Citizens...

Dec 19, 2013

Greg Dworkin was back today, and he brought a new NYT/CBS poll with him. "Uninsured Skeptical of Health Care Law in Poll," we're told. And Greg takes that apart. He also points us to "The GOP Repeal Trap" as well as Alex Pareene's 2013 "Hack List." Then, we hold up National Memo's "America's Greediest" profile of...