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Kagro in the Morning

Apr 30, 2014

Greg Dworkin brings us The Upshot's "Who Will Win The Senate?" interactive simulation, the latest polling on approval ratings, 2016 contestants, ACA, foreign policy, the economy, etc. Reactions to the NBA's verdict on Donald Sterling. Pediatricians' org officially says: high-deductible health plans are crap. Joan...

Apr 29, 2014

Bothered again today by more press comparison of the Bush dynasty to the purported Clinton "dynasty." Greg Dworkin parses the latest polls, then leads us back to Sasha Issenberg's TNR entry for further discussion. Rs finally learning ACA isn't going anywhere. And a dubious "Doctor's Declaration of Independence."...

Apr 28, 2014

I know you won't believe this, but the NRA convention was crazy. Greg Dworkin rounds up Donald Sterling news, including Slate's "The NBA's Ownership Society." Thomas Piketty: A summary with marmots. Obamacare as an issue in FL-GOV. And the role of turnout in the 2014 mid-terms. TNR's "How the Democrats Can Avoid...

Apr 25, 2014

Big thanks to show sponsor! Use the promo code "Kagro" and save $5 on your first order of premium but wallet-friendly shaving products! "Meet the Doctor Who Gave $1 Million to Research Guns." Armando called in to follow up on both of these themes, and we discussed the conservative penchant for...

Apr 24, 2014

Cliven Bundy, ladies and gentlemen! Greg Dworkin parses Kaiser polling on healthcare in four southern states, and then sets the agenda for the day with Harold Pollock's "Pre-Occupied with Medicaid Expansion." Did Occupy "accomplish" anything? Was it a thing that could be measured by that metric? Is the drive for...