Jul 30, 2021
David Waldman delivers his KITM Hiatus Eve special, but he’ll be back — on Monday! — with new recorded shows!
This is about the point in a science fiction film when the protagonist...
Jul 29, 2021
For we were podcast-less — and on this day, David Waldman podcasted unto us, and verily, greet we also Greg Dworkin, bearing his Thursday Raft of Trueth™:
Which sign of the...
Jul 28, 2021
David Waldman and Greg Dworkin continue the KITM countdown to hiatus. What will happen Monday? Who knows! Why are you asking me? Let’s focus on the moment, today:
Olympic gymnast Simone...
Jul 27, 2021
Let’s join David Waldman in making the most of today’s show, shall we?
California will require state employees to get vaccinated, and so will New York. If you are anywhere not...
Jul 26, 2021
It’s almost August, and as QAnon and Mr. Pillow tell us, Donald Trump is returning to the presidency. David Waldman will be out of the country for the next couple of weeks.