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Kagro in the Morning

Feb 28, 2023

David Waldman presents another Tuesday KITM for our consideration.

In Ukraine today, the “Hero of the Russian Federation”, Nikolai Kolpakov, might be even more so, after confronting the business end of a couple of Ukranian drones. In Ukraine in 1772, Russia already had active measures deployed, and the US was...

Feb 27, 2023

David Waldman swears that he saw thousands of snow geese this weekend, and as proof shares a live feed of an apparently empty lake. Who knows what you might see if you look at something hard enough.

How did you find us? If you listen to the podcast, but think of it as a “blog”, and remember our past defunct...

Feb 24, 2023

David Waldman brings us the TGIF KITM.

A Spanish firm called Eliminalia offers what amounts to bad plastic surgery to hide ugly internet reputations. Those with bad reputations aren’t awfully concerned about Eliminalia’s less reputable methods.

George Santos lying update: He’s still lying. George said he donated...

Feb 23, 2023

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin present today’s Fat Thursday KITM Special. Freshen up your Eastern Orthodox pączki in your coffee and join us. 

Kevin McCarthy is an idiot, but never before has he been such a useful idiot, saving Fox “news” from the brink of some fair and balanced justice. Kevin handed prep school...

Feb 22, 2023

It’s Fat Tuesday no longer, although if you ate enough pączki your Ash Wednesday is also probably pretty fat. (If you found jelly in your pączek, it’s just a jelly donut.)

Longtime KITM listeners expecting David Waldman and Greg Dworkin to talk about politics today had their expectations met. Democrats...