Feb 11, 2014
Chris Christie's gang faces a new round of subpoenas, including ones aimed at finding out whether the man himself took a helicopter flyover of the Fort Lee traffic jams. Greg Dworkin talks flu, specifically mine, plus the looming "constitutional crisis" Christie may be provoking. House Republicans appear to be
Aug 29, 2012
Recapping the craziness of the Republican National Convention's first night, both on the podium and on the floor. Rick Santorum's hands. Kelly Ayotte's lemonade stand. Nikki Haley's Sudafed. Chris Christie's... Chris Christie. And more. Plus Greg Dworkin's daily polling and issues analysis, and Armando Llorens' take on...
Aug 28, 2012
In today's weirdest news, we took a look at the story of the arrest of four active duty soldiers in an alleged plot to assassinate President Obama, and also apparently put millions of American princesses under their spell by poisoning the Washington State apple crop. That lead to a wide-ranging exploration of...
Aug 27, 2012
Daily Kos Contributing Editor David Waldman (Twitter: @KagroX) hosted Daily Kos colleagues DemFromCT (Greg Dworkin), DarkSyde (Steven Andrew) and Steve Singiser to discuss the latest national polling and issues, the approach of Hurricane Isaac both to Tampa and perhaps more directly to New Orleans, and the Akin impact...
Aug 24, 2012
Daily Kos Contributing Editor David Waldman (aka KagroX) discusses the day's polling and issues with Greg Dworkin (aka DemFromCT), and the broad implications of Gawker.com's publication of a treasure trove of Bain Capital documents.