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Kagro in the Morning

Apr 26, 2013

A Friday grab bag today. The FAA sequester fix was in the works, just as Congress heads to the airport. But will it collapse on the House floor? Procedure fans will delight in noting that the House will have to waive the normal rule prohibiting consideration of bills under suspension of the rules in order to take up the bill suspending part of the sequester that has become uncomfortable. A new craze in #GunFAIL: "home invasion shooting." Revisiting the wholesale Hostess pension theft as a segue to addressing the petty pension theft of 401(k) management fees. Armando called in with his own grab bag: The continuing backlash against Reinhart-Rogoff; a new low in the Republican Benghazi craze; losing the sequester game piece by piece; and a sneak peek at his Sunday Kos piece on a new lunatic right-wing legal theory granting standing for individual federal employees to challenge agency legal interpretations. Lastly, a gun enthusiast's online post pretty much explains why #GunFAIL, embarrassing as it may be, has real value to gun guys.