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Kagro in the Morning

Aug 28, 2015

David Waldman suggests you add “armed standoff”, “lockdown”, “active shooter” and “murder suicide” to your “past 24 hour” Google searches: an enlightening, if not uplifting experience.

Slain reporter’s father, and boyfriend advocate for gun control.

Greg Dworkin reminds us reporting that perpetuates the status quo advocates for the status quo.  Therefore this article is a steaming pile of prevarication.

When Donald Trump destroys the GOP with Hispanics, the Democrats benefit, natch.

Refugees do not cross only the Mexican border, presently there is a global refugee crisis, the biggest since World War II, with much dying and misery, and asylum being established.

President Obama pushes for an Iran deal filibuster, as a divide widens among American Jews.

Greg discusses “Favorable - Unfavorable” polling: We all liked President Carter then too.

Home schooling isn’t regulated, isn’t really defined. Lobby group keeps it that way.

David translates the confusing, but interesting legalese surrounding the case of the kentucky clerk avoiding issuing marriage licenses.  Also - Lawmakers take away people’s health care, send bill to taxpayers.

Further analysis: Does past performance always give us the best predictor of future outcomes?