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Kagro in the Morning

Oct 15, 2014

Ebolamania! A second nurse at TX hospital is diagnosed. The decrepit, depleted chemical weapons which most people thought Iraq did have (as opposed to the massive, active program, which they didn't) were, as we'd already learned, been found. RWNJs feel sure this makes them right. Michelle Obama's turnip vine that will somehow be spun into an optics disaster, I guess. Feminist writer Anita Sarkeesian draws a terrorist death threat from a Elliot Roger-style loon, but Utah law says they have to allow gun carriers in the room for her talk, anyway. Joan McCarter joined us for her regular Wednesday segment, discussing SC's rejection of "Stand Your Ground" protection for victims of domestic violence. Idaho's resumption of same sex marriages, and PPP's first ever poll in the state. Budget cuts and sequestration drained Ebola response capabilities. Election outlook picture mostly unchanged, but coverage gets panicky. Probably no Ebola sandwiches at Jimmy Johns, but maybe be careful. AFP is back at the fake voter registration flyer game, again. And the impossible happens: gun criminals purposely target non-gun-free zones!