Sep 28, 2022
Grab your dog, cat, or capybara and fly home quick! David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are back together, for the first time this week!
Take those pets and flee to shelter if you’re near Florida. Hurricane Ian is heading into a catastrophic landfall with Florida. Ian is almost at Category 5 and is continuing to climb on the Waffle House index.
“Woke” is yet another dog whistle for “Black”. For instance, Donald Trump won’t use any toilet a “woke” person has used. Don Bolduc doesn’t understand dog whistles are like jokes, they just don’t work when you explain them. Trey Gowdy believes that once fascists are fully in power, “fascism” won’t be such a bad word anymore. MAGA candidate Teddy Daniels “woke up” and even Marjorie Traitor Greene isn’t MAGA enough for him.