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Kagro in the Morning

Jul 25, 2014

Don't say I never did anything special for you! Although I couldn't put together a genuine live show today, I stayed up late and recorded you an ALL NEW KITM, so I wouldn't leave you hanging on a Friday! Lots included in the show, like Spedwybabs' simple & helpful pointer for how to help with the Detroit water crisis; lots and lots of Halbig & King follow-up; and the House lawsuit against Obama inches forward. Also, the craziest gun story of the day: the MN man who shot a 17yo neighbor because she asked him to stop riding his lawnmower over her property. And the NRA imagines a "gun-required" world. The financiers are securitizing farmland and crops. What could go wrong? Turns out none of these big mouths ever "goes Galt." And they're also lying about the connection between corporate performance and their giant paychecks. Shocker.