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Kagro in the Morning

Dec 25, 2019

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Hey, remember what you were doing last Christmas? Well, forget it. Who cares? Do you remember what you were doing last year, two days after Christmas? On the 27th? Probably not, right?

Not so fast! People who listen to the Kagro in the Morning show can easily recall everything about that day, because we recorded it, and are about to play it back to you. It went a little something like this....

David Waldman pops in between the holidays and right into the middle of Kwanza with a KITM designed to warm your cockles, and keep them informed, if that’s possible:

Donald Trump has only a few more days to pwn the libs and the Coast Guard before the Dems show up. Even so, he pushed his concerns for the institution of the Presidency and his niggling bone spur inflammation aside to not-so-secretly fly to Iraq to reveal classified information on troop deployment, create an international diplomatic incident, and do his usual lying to people’s faces

Khizr Khan, whose son, Army Capt. Humayun Khan, 27, died from a suicide bombing, delivered a passionate speech at the Democratic National Convention. You might remember it, Donald Trump probably not. But at least a post office will be named after Captain Khan.

Greg Dworkin has been rounding up punditry left and right this week—even more so than usual. As Democrats have a chance to overcome the sexism and venality of politics, they will begin to earn more respect. At the moment they are only slightly ahead of Republicans and Trump. MSNBC tops Fox in journalism, integrity and quality, and now in number of viewers as well.

Trump supporters might be looking elsewhere, but just might hesitate if they believe the alternative sends them to eternal damnation. Steve Bannon moves into his evil lair.

Bad guys with power tools meet good guys with guns, and amazingly no one got nailed.

To clean up election fraud, we need to go way back.

Listeners gave David a lot of merde for reading an article addressing the Yellow Vest riots in France. Are we with the rebels or not?