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Kagro in the Morning

Feb 27, 2013

Greg Dworkin joined us this morning to congratulate Tom Tomorrow on his 2013 Herblock Prize! We also had other things to discuss, but that was a great way to start the day! From there, we went on to the sequester, Speaker Boehner's puzzling insistence that the Senate "get off its ass," and the equally puzzling fact that the Senate Republicans' inability to settle on what they'd offer as an alternative is preventing Senate Democrats from being able to present their own alternative. Why would that be? It's our friend, the filibuster. And if you're having trouble seeing the connection, we lay it out for you. Taking a look at the Congressional schedule, we discuss the status of the Violence Against Women Act in the House, and how the Senate comes to find itself facing yet another cloture vote on a motion to proceed. Did you think we'd taken care of that in what passed for filibuster reform earlier in the year? I'll explain why that might not be working in this case. We had to check in on the latest in #GunFAIL, of course, then add a little more data to the cars vs. guns canard, the legislative and lobbying machine behind so-called "Stand Your Ground" laws, the nutter arrested for threatening the life of a pro-gun control legislator, and a look at the way authorities in Asheville, NC went out of their way to accommodate Second Amendment protesters who just sort of felt like breaking local laws to prove how law-abiding they are.