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Kagro in the Morning

Jun 28, 2018

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HYPOCRISY overtakes civility in the punditocratic hive-mind today. Aren’t Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump going to play fair when they know the press will hold them accountable? Are Democrats allowed to say anything? KITM tells you all you need to know:

Greg Dworkin and Armando have a raucous little exchange over who sees the forest, and who sees just the trees on Democratic electoral priorities for November. Both agree on the asymmetries of the parties’ power and goals: White privilege is a Republican priority because as the Left is used to disparate constituencies, group interests, and in many cases not being white, the Right is used to being white and winning

And there goes another branch of government5 guys in the right costume can make you do anything. David Waldman postulates a strange alternate universe in which congressional procedure matters anymore, as well as a more conceivable variant where we just shut it all down.

Meanwhile, the people that don't like giving foreign people US resources are building US facilities to indefinitely feed and house tens of thousands of them, rather than to send them home. Immigrant children as young as 3 are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings. Oh yes, it will get worse before it gets better.