Jun 28, 2024
KITM listeners are the luckiest people on earth. Where else could you tune in to a political newscast of any stripe that isn’t talking about the debate this morning? Bless David Waldman.
For the sake of argument, let’s say that Donald Trump still finds he has a hard time being reelected president. Across the nation, Republicans have learned the error of their ways, and are now planning to rig the vote better for their candidates and block the vote better against their opponents.
Mikhail Gorbachev was able to destroy the USSR in only 6 years. Can Trump beat his time? Vladimir Putin believed in a Trump Yalta ahead of 2016, and he’s doubling his bets this year. Vlad and Donald should be able to divvy up the US much easier than Germany... After all, most of the hard work has already been completed. Centrists from Biden to Macron are having difficulty finding anyone remaining in the center to work with.
On January 6, Tommy Tatum strived to remove officers’ helmets with their heads still inside, and has been on vigil for his imprisoned confederates in Washington ever since. Finally, Tommy can wait inside with the others.