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Kagro in the Morning

Mar 30, 2020

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As it is always nice to hear David Waldman and Greg Dworkin return from the weekend to the KITM airwaves, it’s also a bit of a relief to hear their voices and get to move them over to the “Still OK” column. Happy to welcome you back too!

Donald Trump, who really should be off somewhere accusing nurses of stealing his slippers, is somehow instead “president” and accusing nurses of stealing tens of thousands of hospital masks

Speaking of masks, you probably should be wearing them. You could sport the latest style, or you could just make them. Either way, they are less than useless if incorrectly donned, or especially if badly doffed

It’s too late to avoid disaster now, but there are still things we can do if we just pull together and… Of course, we aren’t pulling together. Republicans have decided they have done enough already. That prediction of 1 hundred thousand to 2.2 million dead has migrated from Democratic hoax over to Republican victory in just a month. Did liberal envy of Donald Trump manifest itself into a worldwide virus? That is probably as legit a theory as any the administration has embraced so far.

There is still no national stay at home order. Trump still bans social distancing in photo ops. Trump cuts the mic on tough reporters and pulls the plug on blue states. Florida sees New Yorkers as foreigners. The states become ununited. More chaos equals more power for Trump.

Within a week, we'll be discussing whether hotels or schools make better auxiliary hospitals. Within a week, we’ll be discussing what number of bodies really constitutes a mass grave. Hey, but the ratings are out of the roof! (Naturally, that’s a lie.) This sort of thing could impair Donald Trump’s chances at reelection, possibly. Look into absentee voting. Who knows what your… availability… might be come November. In the event of an election, grifters and thieves remain unpopular.