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Kagro in the Morning

Oct 28, 2019

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Halloween’s coming to KITM and David Waldman and Greg Dworkin try out their sexy progressive costumes to bring us today’s boos and the news:

ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi has been killed, and just like Jason and Michael, it just feels good, no matter how many times we kill him. This time Donald Trump got to kill him, just like he did Bin Laden. Trump made his long-awaited pivot to the Presidency by refraining from kicking al-Baghdadi’s skull around on live TV like a soccer ball.

To allow folks to further celebrate in his victory, Trump showed up at the World Series Game 5 matchup between the Houston Astros and Washington Nationals. Donald, of course, brought his boy with him (he left Barron at home), so you can imagine how the two felt when they discovered the Libs were also allowed to buy tickets to this event. Then, right up there on the Jumbotron, fans watched as Trump had his ass viciously bitten by his very own brand. Tears were shed for the loss of Democratic innocence.

The horror continues for Republicans attempting to shield Trump, as impeachment creeps closer. The latest polling should scare those betting Gop even more. But remember, Trump’s madness isn’t enough to doom him in 2020. At the moment, Joe Biden doesn’t have a lot that can frighten him. Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash’s fear of Biden spread to Rudy Colludy and Trump, and their boss/henchman/fanboy Lev Parnas.