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Kagro in the Morning

Jul 1, 2019

We enjoyed great, pre-recorded KITMs last week while David Waldman was out... unfortunately right during the two Democratic Presidential debates. But now David’s back, ready to offer up insightful analysis on all Marianne Williamson-related issues. Might as well cut to the chase, really. Why, even Steve KG Bannon couldn’t pick a more disruptive President.

Wait, wasn’t Donald Trump supposed to be “the disruptor”? Greg Dworkin suggests that Trump perhaps instead represents the disjunctive end of an era, as did Jimmy Carter. Well then, who are today’s disjunctive candidates, and who are the disruptive? And... where does the debate on busing in the 1970s come into this? So, are the old Democrats done now?  Well, Joe Biden straddles both ends of his era, and therefore appeals to many in between.

Meanwhile, The Presidential Apprentice could use a ratings boost about now... Uhm, how about an exotic location with wacky guest stars, plus a little rotating of a few side characters into the limelight? If that doesn’t work, you could just throw the whole clan into a last-ditch big budget holiday special and hope for the best.

Could Donald Trump possibly have terrible economic timingSurewhat’s your point?