Nov 30, 2012
We were joined for an extended Abbreviated APR today by Greg Dworkin, who came prepared to answer the lingering question posed yesterday: how did the Simpson-Bowles non-report treat the savings projections in the Affordable Care Act, and wouldn't we do better to wait a bit on the so-called "fiscall cliff" and see what...
Nov 29, 2012
In today's Abbreviated APR, Greg Dworkin looks at Medicare in the context of the "fiscal speed bump" negotiations. Wouldn't we be better served by waiting until the picture becomes clearer on the projected savings from Affordable Care Act implementation? Also: the Fast Food Forward strikes in the New York area, and how...
Nov 28, 2012
Greg Dworkin abbreviated the Abbreviated Pundit Roundup, during which we talked exit polling and the new political reality: you can't win with just the conservative base anymore. Another critique of the latest critique of filibuster reform from Jonathan Bernstein. And an extended interview with longtime Daily Kos...
Nov 27, 2012
Greg Dworkin joined us at the top of the show for the Abbreviated Abbreviated Pundit Roundup. We take another dip in the waters of Lake Crazytown, reading the election night liveblogging of the "gay fanboy" nominated by wingnut columnist Charlotte Allen to run the fantasy 2016 Palin presidential campaign. Please...
Nov 26, 2012
We're back, post-Thanksgiving Day, which you all know is the Pearl Harbor of the War on Christmas. Greg Dworkin joined us for the Monday Abbreviated Abbreviated Pundit Roundup. Yes, we abbreviate things twice in the mornings. We then turned our eyes back to the upcoming filibuster fight, with a review of the most recent...