Apr 30, 2015
Greg Dworkin joins us, with Baltimore still dominating the headlines, and Baltimore mom still being debated. Sanders is in, facing long odds as expected, but along with O'Malley, adding to the bigger picture. Back to the subject of mass protest, a cop reportedly tells a NYC crowd "If we could arrest all of you we...
Apr 29, 2015
Apparently, Bill Kristol invokes Hitler a lot. And he's terrible on Baltimore. Cable news coverage once again found wanting. Crazy Texans get crazy governor to do crazy thing. SCOTUS hears death penalty cases with issues in play as broad as they are deep. Liberia kicks out homeopaths there to experiment with...
Apr 28, 2015
Baltimore dominates the morning headlines, so Greg Dworkin points us first to Ta-Nehisi Coates. Shifting gears, three views on guns, from scientists, the public, and the government. And there's always the view that just rejects reality, as with the ACA & the pundits of doom. Baltimore's mayor botches a line &...
Apr 27, 2015
Turns out there's some minor interest in Jeb's SuperPAC after all, though Greg Dworkin notes Nate Silver's comment on what Jeb's money hasn't done for him so far. Marco Rubio becomes flavor of the month. Jeb stumbles into a pro-"death panel" stance. Polling on Iran, marriage equality. W thinks he should be heard...
Apr 24, 2015
Greg Dworkin rounds up the traditional media's "smoke/fire" takes on Clinton, not to mention the weird deals feeding those smoky/hot takes. Oh, plus also some more Benghazi. Even the Gop's "fresh faces" are stuck pretending to be old faces. Analyzing the 2016 fundamentals. Thank God someone in the press finally