Apr 28, 2023
David Waldman delivers the Last KITM of the Week as usual, towards the end of the week, but unusually, with a time slot devoted to showcase up and coming talent. No, not Nick Mohammed, but Ace KITM Correspondent Rosalyn MacGregor, here to explain how the youngs are taking over the world, a phenomenon somewhat
Apr 27, 2023
Pull up a chair, bring out your bag of Eastern Orthodox pretzels, (Which are kind of a thing? Maybe I shouldn’t open with this gag? Oh well.) and listen to today’s Thursday KITM with David Waldman and Greg Dworkin!
Tucker Carlson’s prayer talk creeped Rupert Murdoch out, but kind of turned on
Apr 26, 2023
David Waldman, Greg Dworkin, and all the staff here at KITM Worldwide wish a merry and joyous National Pretzel Day to all those who observe.
Tucker Carlson remains under his contractually obligated rock today following his ouster from woke Fox News. Was it Tuck’s sexism that got him fired? Or his endangerment of
Apr 25, 2023
Today, David Waldman and the KITM staff celebrate not being fired or hired by Rupert Mudoch.
Hey, remember Tucker Carlson? Tuck was sort of a prep school Lou Dobbs or that villain in a teen movie who wears a Brooks Brothers sweater like a cape over his Lacrosse polo. Anyhow, Fox News fired Tucker on a Monday morning, in...
Apr 24, 2023
Tucker Carlson is out at Fox. David Waldman and Greg Dworkin didn’t specifically address that on today’s show, mostly because Fox hadn’t announced it yet, and yet Tuck’s firing was the subject of today’s KITM: the price of extremism is high, and the bills are just beginning to come due.
You got to figure that...