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Kagro in the Morning

Sep 28, 2012

It's Friday, Friday... you know the rest. Greg Dworkin parsed the polling and punditry. Todd Akin took a beating. Republicans were (once again) caught perpetrating the only thing approaching voter fraud that ever actually happens. The shift that wasn't, on Republican tax strategy. And Mitt Romney raises the bar...

Sep 27, 2012

We're back, live and in person, with the show today. Not that that matters, since this is a description that only accompanies the podcast. Still, it means that there's a brand new show for you to download today, and that's always worth mentioning. Greg Dworkin joined us to take another crack at the "unskew the polls"...

Sep 25, 2012

Our regular visit from Greg Dworkin addresses the mysteries of the Republican obsession with "unskewing" the polling, based on, well, nothing. Yet apparently, it's catching on. So be on the lookout for Poll Truthers in a media outlet near you. Plus: people are still scratching their heads over Mitt Romney's proposal to...

Sep 24, 2012

Back from the weekend following The Worst Week Ever for Romney, during which Romney puts a cherry on top of his FAIL sundae, casually acknowledging on 60 Minutes that it's right and fair that people who make $50,000 ought to pay a higher tax rate than he does on his millions. Thanks, Willard! We had our extended...

Sep 21, 2012

Today's Kagro in the Morning show reviewed the coverage from two major Senate debates last night, in Massachusetts and Virginia, and watched the polling and punditry trends with Greg Dworkin. From there, it's another extended connect-the-dots session pulling in the "fiscal cliff," the old "Super Committee," Blue Dogs...