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Kagro in the Morning

May 30, 2014

Greg Dworkin sampled the morning's headlines. The House actually passed a gun background check funding amendment. Further UCSB fallout and gun safety roundup. Honest conservative snipe hunt. McConnell called out for ACA buffoonery. No, the VA is not an Obamacare preview. Microsoft billionaire Steve Ballmer looks...

May 29, 2014

Greg Dworkin gets us back on track with his roundup this morning. More from Kinsley. Why he's wrong. EPA to regulate emissions by executive authority, and the likely fallout. Terry Lynn Land is terrible. McConnell fares no better. And could Andrew Cuomo be a test case for pulling Hillary left? Want to help...

May 28, 2014

We started the morning with a little national security state chatter, just as a placeholder for future discussion. Greg Dworkin and Joan McCarter joined the show today and served us up a full plate of great stories. Reviewing the Kinsley review of Greenwald's book. The "First Amendment Blind Spot." Sam Wang

May 27, 2014

Returning to the "air" after a long weekend of rough news, Greg Dworkin joined us to discuss the #YesAllWomen global phenomenon, open carry blowback in Texas, the VA issue narrative versus reality, and how Sen. Burr stepped in it. Even as the tide turns on marriage equality, we're reminded that some think they...

May 23, 2014

CDC stats for 2010 (the last year available) cited in a routine newspaper report say 62 kids ages 14 & under were accidentally killed by gunfire. But my review of 2013 GunFAIL incidents are turning up many more. Greg Dworkin helps us digest that from a statistical point of view, and brings us around to the hot topic...