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Kagro in the Morning

Oct 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy is rolling in, but we made it on the air for our Monday show. And that means a double shot polling update from Greg Dworkin and Steve Singiser. The storm preoccupied us, of course, and there's even a polling impact, since many polling firms are East Coast operations, plus there could be days on end when most of the Northeast is unable to answer their phones. So we may be flying partially blind into Election Day. Also discussed: Suprise! A top Romney advisor really does own a shipyard; the millions of dollars of Romney campaign funds being spent with consulting firms owned by or employing Romney campaign aides; the weirdness that ensues when "outside auditors" are asked to evaluate their own tax advice to their corporate clients; and just a little bit about Matt Stoller's controversial article arguing for progressives to walk away from voting for Barack Obama. (Hint: I'm not doing it.)